Monday, November 16, 2009

day 1

0700 AM- zzzz.

0732 AM- bzzt bzzt. bzzt bzzt.
-wakes up-
'Hi, this is alan right? i'm calling from st andrews. can you come today?'

That was the start of my relief teaching stint at S AJS! omg la. totally unexpected can? The last interaction i had with the liaison person from SAJ S was an email from her asking me to contact her at her HP. Then i called it a few times but it was switched off.
THAT'S IT. She never even said i was accepted or what. haha.

oh well, so .. i took a PE class, a math and tamil class. The math and tamil were just babysitting pretty much. The kids are freaking havoc man. pretty much uncontrollable and have an attention span of.. 10 seconds? i dunno.
I had a 'plan' for PE lesson, but when they reached there they just ask to run, ask to play this play that, all start running abound with endless energy. So i just let them, stepping in once in a while to organize things. pretty tiring man!

Easy money =) $65 kaching.
that works out to about $12 an hour btw.

Teacher teacher! he hit me!
Teacher teacher! he take my things!
teacher teacher! can i go toilet?
Teacher teacher!

all these children mimicry that we always do.. THEY ARE ALL REAL. i heard all of these today. even had a boy who started crying then i had to go find the person who made him cry and make him apologize. lol.

Ok, tomorrow, wed, thursday i'm called too. 65x3 more dollars to earn.